What Opt-In Locations Are Effective for Building an SMS Marketing List?

Arun Qamra • Nov 09, 2021

Did you know that 69% of consumers across all age groups would like to be able to contact a business via text, and 54% are frustrated when they are unable to do so?

If you are a digital marketer responsible for driving new business and retaining customers, a retailer who has repeat customers or anyone who is responsible for a loyalty program, you’re going to want to include SMS text messaging into your marketing plan. 

If you’re just getting started, one of the first things you have to consider is how you will get people to opt in to your text message marketing. Let’s look at the most effective opt-in locations for encouraging your customers to sign up for SMS text message marketing.

First, Why Should I Care About SMS Marketing?

Fifty-eight percent of consumers in a Zipwhip study reported that text messaging was the easiest way to reach them. And, according to a report by Mobilesquared, 90% of SMS marketing messages are read within three minutes of receipt. 

Today, brands need to adopt a “customer first” attitude, giving the customer the option to use their favorite messaging channels with very relevant and targeted offers. SMS is a good fit -- and effective: SMS
click through rates average 36%, while the average email click rate is only 6% to 7%.

It’s easy and convenient to start and stop SMS marketing messages, and customers can make payments, buy/reorder products and get instant support. You can use loyalty programs to engage with customers in addition to using shopping catalogs, quizzes, questionnaires, etc.

For more, see: “Generating ROI with SMS: A Beginner’s Guide.”

What Is an Opt-In Location?   

An opt-in location is a place online or offline that captures a consumer’s cell phone number (with consent) so that they can begin to receive text messages and marketing from your business. 

10 Opt-in Locations for Driving Sign Ups for SMS Marketing

Some of the most popular opt-in locations include:

1. Widget or QR code.
This can be placed on a website or elsewhere, and customers can sign up or scan the QR code to receive SMS messages after they opt in. 

2. An email campaign. Maximize your reach by including a call-to-action on your email campaigns to sign up for text messages. 

3. Website or marketing call-to-action.
A CTA on your website can offer an incentive to sign-up for text messages.

Screenshot for SMS offer by Crasy Carey’s Carwash

Screenshot for SMS offer by Crasy Carey’s Carwash

4. A sign. A sign posted in your stores or by the cash register asking customers to text a number to receive a discount can work wonders. For example, “TEXT 12345 to join our VIP program and receive 10% off your purchase today.”) 

5. During webchat.
If you have a chat function on your website, or are using conversational checkout, make sure to include an option for customers to sign up to receive text marketing, promotions, news and updates. 

During checkout. A pop-up during the checkout on your website can encourage customers to sign up to receive updates, special promotions, insider news etc. This is especially effective if customers receive a sign-up discount they can use immediately.

7. A web popup.
Love them or loathe them, web pop-ups can be an effective way to encourage your customers to sign up for text messages. If you offer a sign-up bonus with real value, it takes the sting out of the pop-up. 

8. A quiz or contest via SMS.
Customers must opt in to enter the contest or get the answer to the quiz. 

9. Social media.
Engage with customers on your social media channels, and include a CTA to opt in for insider information, news and discounts. 

10. Advertising campaigns.
You can include the CTA for SMS messages on your print, web or email advertising campaigns.

Whatever means you use to capture your customers’ information, you need to follow the rules of engagement. That means getting explicit consent
before you start sending text messages. Double opt in ensures you have all the rules covered. 

Double opt in for SMS marketing from StarPak.

Make sure you are crystal clear about what they are agreeing to, and that there may be extra fees depending on their provider’s policies. You also have to give them the right to opt out at any time. 

For more information, check out
“SMS / MMS Best Practices.” 

Which Opt-in Locations and Methods Are the Most Effective?

So now you have a bunch of possible ways to capture people’s information, which ones are most successful? 

People guard their phone numbers, so there has to be a good incentive for them to give up privacy to a company. Here is some
data on effectiveness from Tatango:

Source: SMS Marketing Opt-In Rates Exceed 10.5%, Tatango

According to the data, the top three locations for opt in include: 

  • In-store
  • Email
  • Social

Email Campaigns

If you are already emailing your customers, sending an email encouraging them to opt in for text messages could result in up to a 10.5% opt-in rate, according to Tatango.

In-Store Opt In

Displaying signage at your brick and mortar location is a promising way to get people to sign up for SMS marketing messages. According to the data, this could result in up to a 3.2% sign-up rate.

Opt in on Social Media Channels

On social media, you can expect between .7% to 2.9% opt-in rate, according to Tatango. And if you use a separate keyword for each social media channel, you can track which ones are attracting the most responses.


We have to mention websites here, since that is where many businesses include opt in locations. While controversial, pop-ups do work if used sparingly. The checkout process is also a great place to get people to opt in.

How to Sweeten the Deal

Customers are more likely to opt in if you give them a reason, such as an instant discount. It takes seconds for them to sign up while their purchases are being rung in, and if your process is efficient, they can take advantage of the discount on the order they are purchasing that day.

In fact, businesses are able to grow their SMS contact list
520% faster just by offering an incentive to sign-up.

Think about the incentive to make the exchange worth it to the customer.  A welcome discount of 25% might fare better than a 10% discount. 

study by Simple Texting found that 50% of respondents would be willing to turn over their information if it meant special access to flash sales or special promotions. And consider that redemption rates for SMS coupons is 10 times higher than for paper coupons issued for the same promotion. 

Screenshot for SMS offer by Seattle Suntan Company

Giving VIPs advanced access to sales, new product launches and special discounts is also a great way to capture customer information by offering something in return. 

Image screenshot of Subway text offers 

Best Practices for SMS Opt Ins
  • Make sure you have received explicit consent before you text. It’s an expensive lesson if you don’t. 
  • Keep text messages short, simple and straightforward. Give clear calls to action so people know what to do. Always include and respect an opt-out. 
  • Reward your opted-in customers with promotions and special offers that are unique to SMS.

Final Thoughts

With a 98% open rate, often within minutes of receipt, adding SMS marketing to your toolkit just makes sense. 

Building an SMS list is fairly straightforward, and there are a few different ways to encourage customers to opt in. Special incentive and VIP access and promotions provide customers with good reasons to sign up.

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